Minutes 3rd Sept 2018

Notes 3rd Sept 2018
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as formal minutes until duly signed on behalf of the Parish Council)
Chair: Sandra Campbell-Wardman (SCW)
Present: Councillors: Johnson (PJ), Maplethorpe (BM), Wardle (SW); District Cllr David Andrews (DA)
Absent: Oates (JO)
Clerk: M Moss
Public Forum: 5 members of the public present.  Resident 1 thanked the Council for their support of his recent planning application, but raised concerns that the Planning Authority were against using stone for buildings in the village and that his application had been referred to committee.  Clerk advised that there was an agenda item to discuss what, if any action, the Council wished to take in relation to this.  His second point was reference an email he had sent expressing his dissatisfaction that LCC had finished the newly refurbished village bridge in green railings.  Clerk advised that this was also include as an item of correspondence. Resident 2 also put forward that there is a health and safety issue with the barrier as a length of fence was not replaced.  Resident 3 agreed that there needed to be some warning to identify the corner.  Resident 4 was concerned that the reflective strips were already falling off.
17. Chairman’s remarks – SCW thanked all the Councillors and residents for turning up and went on to extend thanks to everyone involved with the Goulceby Gala for putting on a very good event.
18. Apologies for absence and reasons given – JO for personal reasons.  Reasons accepted.
19. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None received.
20. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2018 – Approved with no changes.
21. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – Clerk reviewed all actions from last meeting and it was confirmed that they had all been completed.
22. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – DA noted that ELDC had resolved to spend £500k refurbishing/decorating some public toilets in the district.  These included several in Skegness and Mablethorpe and those at Louth bus station.  He also noted that the area committee meetings due to be held in September had been cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
23. Parish Council Vacancy – To review applications and appoint new Councillor, if any received or agree next steps if no applications received – Clerk advised that no applications had been received. It was resolved to leave the vacancy open, advertise in the next newsletter, and leave the vacancy notice on the website.
24. To receive an update on the purchase and installation of the seat for Asterby End – Clerk advised that the seat had now been installed and the project was considered closed.  SW noted that a resident had complained that the position of the seat may be seen as a distraction to drivers and possibly lead to an accident.  SW had visited the site and the resident and was happy that this was not an issue.  Clerk noted that the seat would be added to the insurance policy and to the asset register.  (Note: Insurance Co will not charge for this until renewal in June 2019).
25. To consider planning applications/Correspondence: No new applications received received
a Full planning permission granted – Two storey extension, Kirkmichael, Asterby End To note - noted
b Notice of referral to planning committee – Erection of 2 houses with triple detached garages, Land at Watery Lane, Goulceby To decide whether to make representation at the meeting
It was resolved that SW would attend the planning committee meeting and speak on behalf of the Parish Council to further object to the application.
c Notice of referral to planning committee – Application to vary materials, Land adjacent to Barn Court, Halls Hill, Goulceby To decide whether to make representation at the meeting
It was resolved that SW would attend the planning committee meeting and speak on behalf of the Parish Council in support of this application.
26. To complete the annual review of the Risk Log and take any necessary steps to minimise additional risk – Clerk advised that several areas had been updated including the section relating to GDPR and possible future elections.  It was resolved to accept the amended Risk Log.
27. To receive an update from the working group regarding the commemoration plaque for those with local connections who died in WW1 and to resolve how to progress – JO had led the working group, and forwarded a report to the Clerk to read out. The recommendations included: to apply for a grant from the District Councillor towards the cost of a plaque; to purchase a 22’’ x 16’’ un-lacquered brass plaque from Horncastle Locks and Leather (best value of the 3 quotes obtained); to erect the plaque on porch of Goulceby Church in time for 11th November; power to make non-financial decisions are devolved to the working group to ensure the project is completed by 11th Nov2018.  It was resolved to support all of these recommendations.
It was noted that there had been a very generous donation made from a resident of £100 towards the cost of the plaque, and that another resident had kindly offered to provide a wooden backing for the plaque. Thanks were extended to these residents for their generosity.
28. To discuss Asterby Churchyard and decide whether to pass a resolution to look into making some improvements to it - JO and SW had visited the Churchyard following correspondence from a relative of someone interred there. It was noted that the churchyard is very overgrown, and neglected, and that it would be a mammoth task to put it right.  The rectory had previously been sold to private owners, but it is unclear who is responsible for the Churchyard.  Following some discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council cannot take any further action until the owner is identified.  Once this is established it will be discussed again and agreed what, if any action the Parish Council wishes to take.
29. To review the state of the verges following last year’s decision to allow LCC to cut them and to decide what, if any, changes need to be made for 2019 season – It was agreed that the verges generally look untidy, and represent a safety issue with no-where for vehicles to pass one another.  It was further agreed that the LCC cuts do not make any real difference to their appearance.  Historically the parish has paid roughly £1300 for 7 verge cuts and 3 footpath cuts, and as County Council no longer provided grant funding for this, any amenity cutting would have to be paid for at a local level, i.e. by raising the precept.  It was agreed that PJ would write an article for the next newsletter to gather views and gauge public opinion for review at the next meeting.
It was later agreed that the group door knocking to request views on the bridge railings would also ask for views on whether to increase the precept to get the verges and footpaths cut.
30. To review action required for litter pick/village tidy scheduled for 14th October – It was agreed that PJ would put the posters up in the notice boards and the pub; Clerk would include an article in the newsletter;  SCW agreed to organise the equipment and bag pick up from ELDC.
31. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a LCC Advice for residents wishing to cut grass verges themselves To note - noted
b Lloyds Bank Notification of signatory change To note - noted
c LALC LALC annual report To note - noted
d Resident Complaint re the new bridge in Goulceby and a request to consider writing to highways to complain To decide whether to include a discussion as a future agenda item
PJ agreed that the green railings look out of place, but suggested that LCC would take more note of the many views from residents and urged everyone to contact LCC with their views.  Following further discussion it was agreed that PJ would put together a petition and volunteers from the Councillors/residents would door-knock the villages to collect views. It was also agreed that PJ would compose a suitable article for the newsletter
e Dept of Health Reply to letter requesting to retain children services at Boston Pilgrim Hospital To note – noted
f (late item) Anonymous Resident Asking the PC to champion moving to a smoke free village
It was noted that an email had been received and forwarded to the Councillors in late May/June and that the Councillors did not want to discuss an anonymous email. Following the receipt of this most recent letter regarding the same subject, from the same concerned resident, the Councillors discussed the proposal but could not reach majority agreement to support the request.  It was also noted that the PC are not comfortable responding to anonymous requests, and that the Clerk would email the resident to advise them of this.
32. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO – noted and approved
b) To consider and approve payments/income due: Newsletter – 6 editions £75.00; salaries £277.58 – all payments noted and approved.
33. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – 
• Summary of the notes
• Vacancy notice
• Notice advising door knocking requesting view on the verges
• Litterpick
• Notice advising of door knocking for views on the bridge railings
34. To agree date and agenda items for the next meeting –
• Update on the resident views on Verge/ footpath cutting
• Update on the resident views on Bridge railings
• Update on Commemorative plaque
Meeting closed 21.27pm
Appendix 1
2nd July 2018 Treasurers 4,283.37
  Income Payments Total
Salaries 277.58  
Office supplies 22.98  
Baypark (bench installation) 540.00  
Total 840.56  
Closing balance 27th Aug 2018 3,442.81