Minutes 9th July 2018

Notes 9th July 2018
Chair: Sandra Campbell-Wardman (SCW)
Present: Councillors: Johnson (PJ), Mablethorpe (BM), Oates (JO), Wardle (SW); District Councillor David Andrews (DA)
Absent: None
Public Forum: 6 members of the public present.  First resident was also the applicant for agenda item 9b.  He summarised the application, identified supporting evidence and requestedt the Parish Council lend their support to the application.  The second resident raised several issues: Regarding the state of the drains on Shop Lane he asked why LCC had not cleared them all; he asked for an update on the situation regarding the verges, stating that some had not been cut and personally he would be happy to have an increase in Council Tax to pay for getting them cut several times a year; he also asked why County Councillor Marfleet never attended the meetings.  Clerk advised that Cllr Marfleet was invited to the meetings and sent the notes but had never responded.  Clerk also advised that the other two issues were covered by items on the agenda and would be dealt with then.
1. Chairman’s remarks – SCW welcomed everyone to the meeting, extended a warm welcome for Blue Mablethorpe, the newly appointed Councillor for the Parish.  
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - None
3. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – SCW, PJ, JO, SW, BM all declared a personal interest in agenda item 9b as they know the applicant. All stated that their interest would not bias their judgement and elected to still take park in the discussion and vote.  
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2018 – JO proposed; SW seconded; unanimously approved with no changes.
5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – Clerk advised all actions completed.  PJ raised concerns that there were many potholes on Shop Lane which LCC had advised they would fix following the bridge repairs, but had not yet been fixed – it was agreed that PJ would report these once again. Clerk advised that LCC has questioned whether reflective strips were required for the bridge, and it was agreed that they were – Clerk to advise LCC.
6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – District Cllr Andrews advised that the ELDC local plan was due to be approved Wed 18th July, after which it would be fully adopted.
7. Parish Council Vacancy. To agree to advertise the Parish Council vacancy and timescales for co-option – It was unanimously agreed that the vacancy should be advertised immediately, applications reviewed at the next meeting with a view to appointing at the same meeting. Clerk to organise advertisement on notice board, on website and in newsletter.
8. To receive an update on the purchase and installation of the seat for Asterby End – It was noted that the installation company had not been in touch with PJ to organise bench installation and agreed that as PJ was not available for the next few weeks, JO would contact Richard at Baypark to progress this.  JO provided feedback from residents who had asked for the bench to face away from Asterby End road towards the field opposite.  Update to be included in the next meeting.
9. To consider planning applications:
9a. N/008/01103/18 Planning Permission - Two storey side extension to existing dwelling to provide a utility room, a breakfast/living room and kitchen area with a bedroom and en-suite over. KIRKMICHAEL, ASTERBY END, ASTERBY, LOUTH, LN11 9UF – JO proposed; SW seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.
9b. N/060/01264/18 - Application to vary condition no. 6 (Materials), as imposed on planning permission reference N/060/933/13 - LAND ADJACENT TO BARN COURT, HALLS HILL, GOULCEBY – It was suggested that the amended materials would enhance the village rather than detract from its appearance.  JO proposed; SW seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.
9c. N/060/01259/18 - Planning Permission - Erection of 2no. houses each with detached triple garage on the site of an existing outbuilding which is to be demolished and construction of a vehicular access. LAND AT, WATERY LANE, GOULCEBY – many concerns were raised including the size of the garages and the number of additional vehicles on narrow lanes.  It was clarified that, whilst the applicant had sent an extract from an email sent to the applicant by ELDC stating that the plans were likely to receive approval after adoption of the new local plan, permission had not yet been granted.  It was proposed; seconded; and unanimously agreed to object to the application on similar grounds as previously, but updated to reflect the emerging local plan.  Clerk to draft a response and circulate for approval.  
10. To decide whether to appoint additional cheque signatories for the PC account and decide who to appoint – JO proposed; PJ seconded; unanimously agreed that SW would be added as a cheque signatory.  It was agreed that JO would approach the bank to arrange.
11. To consider whether to install a permanent commemoration to those with local connections who died in WW1 (JO) – JO suggested that with the centenary of armistice approaching, it was a good time to consider a erecting a memorial, of some sort, to remember the fallen.  It was suggested that a plaque near the Church may be appropriate.  It was unanimously agreed to support progressing this suggestion and implementing something in readiness for the remembrance in November.  It was resolved to apply for a grant from ELDC to help fund the memorial.  It was agreed that there may need to be an extraordinary meeting to agree arrangements for this, approve proposals and costings etc. JO was tasked with leading this initiative.  
12. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
A LCC New system for reporting highways faults To note - noted
B Resident Request to get LCC to clear the drains on Shop Lane To decide whether to progress – Clerk has already re-reported
C LCC Bridge Engineer Response to request to add reflectors to the new bridge To decide whether to progress – Clerk to ask for reflectors to be attached 
D Lincolnshire Fieldpath Assoc. Spring/Summer newsletter and subscription request To decide whether to continue to subscribe – Unanimously agreed not to resubscribe
E Victoria Atkins MP Invite to Vote 100 Centenary Celebration Tea Party 23rd June – emailed to Councillors 12/6 To note - noted
F Skegness Town Council Request for Councils to resolve to support the campaign to protect the childrens’ services department at Boston Hospital Decide whether to support and take action – Unanimously agreed to support the campaign and write to Jeremy Hunt
G Horncastle and District British Legion Notification of planned events to mark 100 year since the end of WW1 To note – PJ will copy email and place on notice board to inform residents
13. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – Meeting update, including planning, Weight Limit, Asterby End Seat update, Verge harvesting Trial, Vacancy, Centenary proposals (JO).  It was noted that at the meeting in September 2017, the decision was taken to allow LCC include the verge cutting in their standard programme.  A review of the effectiveness was planned for this September/November.
14. Financial matters:
a. To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO – see Appendix 1.  
b. To consider and approve payments/income due including: Office supplies (ink)  Payment approved; Newsletter (July) -  PJ proposed paying for 6 full page articles in the newsletter in advance, which would save money and also administration; SW seconded; unanimously agreed. Lincolnshire Fieldpath Subscription – not approved.
15. To agree the meeting dates for the current year – It was unanimously agreed that the meetings would take place on the 1st Monday of alternate months, with the possibility of an extraordinary meeting in December for budget and precept planning.  Dates: 3rd Sept 2018; 5th Nov 2018; 7th Jan 2019; 4th March 2019.  PJ to arrange with the Three Horseshoes.
16. To agree date and agenda items for the next meeting – Date agreed as 3rd Sept.  Agenda items to include:
Verge cutting
Update on the plaque
Newsletter articles
Update on the vacancy
Meeting closed 9.05pm
Appendix 1
21st May 2018 Treasurers 4,857.89
  Income Payments Total
30..5.18 Insurance 218.00  
31.5.18 Office supplies 12.53  
5.6.18 Newsletter (Mar) 15.00  
25.6.18 Bench 328.99  
Total 574.52  
Closing balance 2nd July 2018 4,283.37
Cheques not yet presented
Baypark 540.00
Salaries 277.58
Payments before next meeting
Office supplies 22.98
Newsletter x 6 editions 75.00
Income Before next meeting