Minutes 7th January 2019

Minutes 7th January 2019
Chair: Sandra Campbell-Wardman (SCW)
Present: Councillors: Johnson (PJ), Oates (JO), Maplethorpe (BM); District Councillor David Andrews (DA)
Absent: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
Public Forum: 3 members of the public present.  The first resident raised the issue of flooding beside the new bridge.  It was noted that of the 2 drains, one is running the other is covered and set slightly higher than the road.  JO noted that even though there has been no rain for several weeks, the pool of water is 29cm deep on one side. PJ noted that the contractors had been asked to resolve this issue when they sorted out the bridge.  SCW noted that the agenda included an item to discuss this issue.
50. Chairman’s remarks – SCW welcomed everyone to the meeting and proposed moving agenda item 12 to the second item on the agenda as members of the public attending the meeting had all come for this item.  SCW further proposed moving agenda item 10 to the third item on the agenda as one of the residents had also attended for this item. This proposal was unanimously agreed.
51. To consider resident’s concerns regarding Main Rd drainage issues and agree what, if any, action to take – JO noted that the issue had been reported to LCC five times, including by the Parish Council.  The latest response from LCC indicated that the issue had been referred to an ‘Alliance partner’ for a repair, but there was no detail supplied.  It was agreed that MM would contact highways directly, ideally Andy Radcliffe, to complain and ask one of the officers to meet a Cllr on site to review the drainage issue and agree a plan of action to resolve the flooding.  It was also agreed that PJ would contact County Cllr Hugo Marfleet to explain the issue, raise a complaint and ask for his help to resolve this issue.  
52. To receive information relating to the Lincolnshire chalk stream project event – JO advised that she had met with Will Bartle, the Chalk Stream Officer, to inspect the village stream.  Mr Bartle had commented that the water looks healthy and that the banks are in fairly good condition for the time of year.  He suggested that the village hold a chalk stream project day, which can also be educational for residents, and involves residents volunteering to help to clear the banks. He also suggested that he could supply leaflets for the residents who have properties which are adjacent to the beck.  JO proposed organising a village chalk stream event.  This was unanimously agreed and a provisional date of Sunday 12th May was proposed, providing Will Bartle can make this date. It was agreed to add this to the March agenda to discuss and plan the details.
53. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received from SW for personal reasons.  Reasons accepted.
54. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None received.
55. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5th November 2018 – Minutes agreed with no changes.
56. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that all actions from Novembers’ meeting had been completed.
57. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – DA noted that those residents who required ELDC to remove green waste need to re-sign up for the collections. He also noted that a new Chief Executive had been appointed – Rob Barlow, who had been promoted from Assistant Chief Executive.  He also noted that there may be some unallocated funds remaining in the community grant fund for small projects in the area, which needed to be applied for before 28th Feb. 
58. Parish Council Vacancy – To review applications and appoint new Councillor, if any received or agree next steps if no applications received – It was noted that no applications have been received.  SCW noted that the next elections were only a few months away and proposed that the notices advertising the vacancy are removed from the notice board and website pending the outcome of the elections.  This was unanimously agreed.
59. To consider planning applications/Correspondence: None received 
60. To receive an update on the progress made consulting residents views regarding the bridge and cutting the verges, and agree any additional action – It was noted that no additional comments had been received since the last meeting.  MM summarised the five resident responses regarding the bridge petition.  There was only one resident who stated that they would support a petition; two residents who were supportive of the bridge; and two residents who thought it was ugly and out of place. It was unanimously agreed that there was not enough resident support to take any further action regarding the bridge.  
MM summarised the four responses regarding the grass cutting: Three residents noted that there was no real problem with the verges - two of these also liked the idea of leaving verges less manicured to support wildlife; another resident proposed that the Parish Council should seek alternative revenue sources to pay for verge cutting.  It was unanimously agreed that there was not enough support to reinstate amenity cutting in the Parish and that the cuts provided by LCC would be sufficient.
61. To consider issuing a reminder to residents of the Environmental Agency’s ‘General Binding Rules’ for septic tanks and small sewage plants – JO noted that this issue had been discussed previously, and suggested a reminder would be appropriate to remind residents that from 01/01/2020 old sewage systems which discharge directly into a watercourse have to be updated (and before this date if the property is sold).  It was noted that this was still advertised on the website, but agreed that a reminder would be included in the next newsletter.
62. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a Lincs Wolds Countryside Service Updated Lincs Wolds Villages facilities guide To review for completeness – reviewed, no changes
b Fieldpaths Association Autumn/Winter newsletter – And annual subscription due To decide whether to continue with annual membership - £5 – Agreed to continue with membership
63. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and projected vs actual spend from RFO – received and accepted, see appendix 1 and 2
b) To agree the budget, salaries and precept for 2019/20 – The proposed budget was unanimously accepted, see appendix 3.  It was unanimously agreed to keep the Clerk on the same salary band, but noted that there has been an increase to the hourly rate for this band.  It was noted that the tax base for the parish for 19/20 is 119, increasing from 118 in 18/19.  It was unanimously agreed to set the precept at £1665 to minimise the change in cost to residents.
c) To consider and approve payments due including: Salaries - £277.58 (by standing order 1.1.19) – Noted.  It was agreed to continue to subscribe to Fieldpath Association for the next year - £5 
64. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter
- Summary of the notes
- Update on the bridge and verge response
- Update on the Environment Agency requirements for sewage discharge
- Reminder about the elections in May
65. To agree date and agenda items for the next meeting
- Meeting date agreed as 11th March, 7.30pm Three Horseshoes
- Agenda items to include agreeing details of the chalk stream project
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
Appendix 1 - Bank Reconciliation
1st Nov 2018 3,140.23
  Income Payments Total
Salaries 277.58  
Total 277.58  
Closing balance 1st Jan 2019 2,862.65
Appendix 2 – Projected vs Actual Spend 2018/19
Appendix 3 – Proposed budget 2019/20