Minutes 29th April 2019

Minutes 29th April 2019
Chair: Sandra Campbell-Wardman (SCW)
Present: Councillors: Johnson (PJ), Oates (JO), Wardle (SW); 
Absent: Cllr Maplethorpe (BM)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
Public Forum:  1 member of the public was present.  He apologised for missing the previous meeting as he would usually try to attend all Parish meetings
81. Chairman’s remarks – It was noted that the meeting had been called to approve the audit submission as there was only 1 Councillor who had registered for the Parish Council for the next term, leaving it inquorate and unable to approve the submission,  and open to audit charges.  
82. Apologies for absence and reasons given – BM for personal reasons – Reason accepted.  
83. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None.
84. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11th march 2019 – Minutes unanimously approved with no changes.
85.    Financial matters: It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council did not want to have a limited assurance review, and that it would certify itself as exempt.
a) To receive and approve the Annual Internal Audit report – Clerk/RFO advised that the Internal Audit had been completed by the same IA as last year.  There were no suggestions for changes made and all sections had been approved.  
b) To receive and approve the Annual Governance Statement –Clerk/RFO read out all of the governance statements; all Councillors present approved the statements.
c) To receive and approve the Annual Accounting Statements and Annual Bank Reconciliation – Clerk/RFO reviewed all the financial entries for the accounting statements and annual bank reconciliation.  All Councillors present approved the accounting statements and the annual bank reconciliation.
d) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO – Clerk/RFO reviewed the entries for the latest bank reconciliation.  All Councillors present acknowledged the reconciliation and two signatories approved the document.
The Clerk noted that all of the audit documents would be posted on the website, and that the period for public inspection would be advertised from 16th June and was due to start 17th June until 26th July.
e) To approve the SO change for the Clerks salary.  Approved.  It was agreed that JO/SW would ensure the change was made with the bank.
86. To agree date for the next meeting – It was agreed that the APM would go ahead on 7th May, but be moved to 7.30pm.  It was also agreed that the AGM of the Parish Council would be moved to 13th May at 7.30pm to give ELDC a chance to provide ‘stand-ins’ to make the Council quorate.
Meeting closed 8.15pm