Minutes 12th November 2019
Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council
Notes of the extraordinary meeting on 12th November, 2019
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Counsellors: Maplethorpe (BM) and Oates (JO)
Apologies: Coton (AC)
Public Forum: There were no members of the public present.
1. Chairman’s remarks – SW and AC attended the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) annual AGM, training day and conference. They found it interesting and informative. SW spoke to the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner to ask about what is being done about rural crime. The response was that residents must be more vigilant and should take note of the registration number of unfamiliar vehicles and report this to 111.
Richard Davies – Head of Highways committee was also present. SW spoke to him about the problems the village were facing and he is going to take this forward.
SW has written to Douglas Girling who is the East Area Highways manager regarding the flooding and other problems.
2. Apologies for absence and reason given: AC for personal reasons – reason accepted
3. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations: to receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – none declared.
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 30th September 2019: Minutes approved by the councillors present at the meeting with no changes.
5. To agree format for the visit of Steve Brookes OnLincolnshire Manager regarding RURAL GIGABITE CONNECTIVITY GRANT SCHEME at meeting to be held on 2nd December 2019: after discussion, it was agreed that this should be a pre Parish Council item and that Steve Brookes would be asked if he could speak for 20 minutes followed by questions from councillors and members of the public. To allow for the possibility of members of the public with questions, it was also agreed that the Chair would ask how many people wanted to ask questions and apportion time for each person as appropriate. It was agreed that should the question period overrun 20 minutes, then Steve Brookes and interested members of the public would be offered the opportunity to continue the discussion in another part of the building.
Actions: SW to contact Steve Brookes to check that the above arrangements are acceptable to him.
JO to contact pub owners to check that another part of the building, separate from the meeting area, will be available if required.
6. To discuss and consider change of meetings from 6 times a year to 4 times a year: it was agreed to defer this item to a future meeting in order to obtain the advice of Clerk/RFO regarding the most appropriate time to hold meetings bearing in mind the financial timescales.
7. To resolve to move into closed session: proposed by JO, seconded by SW and agreed by all present.
8. To agree appointment of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer: it was noted that the attempt to appoint a clerk/RFO (referred to in the Minutes of the meeting of 30th September 2019) had ultimately not proved successful but that Michelle Moss (previous Clerk/RFO) had subsequently reapplied for the post and had been interviewed by the Chair (SW) and Vice Chair (JO). SW and JO presented a report to the Council and Michelle Moss’s (MM) reappointment was approved.
9. Action: SW to send offer letter to MM with a suggested start date of 18th November 2019.
10. To clarify and agree agenda items for the next meeting: it was noted that the next meeting is 2nd December 2019 and that the agenda should include:
• The Parish council to consider whether to pursue an application for funding for the Gigabite Connectivity Grant Scheme.
• Review of the Risk Register.
• Defibrillator update.
Meeting closed at 20.15 hrs.