Annual Parish Council Meeting 24th June 2019

1.    Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman, and completion of declarations 
2. Chairman’s remarks
3. Apologies for absence and reasons given
4. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act
5. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2019 
6. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding
7. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available)
8. To review and agree the Standing Orders (2019) and Code of Conduct (2019) for Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council
9. To resolve to advertise current vacancies on the Parish Council for co-option
10. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
From Overview Action
a LALC LCC spending budget increased by £1MM based on feedback received from parishes. This has purchased 4 additional pothole teams; 1 x extra grass cut per year; all gullies will be cleaned every year To note
b Resident Comments following the village newsletter article regarding damage to the grass verges To note
c Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Ass Spring Summer report To circulate
d ELDC Notice of uncontested election – Asterby To note and place on notice board
e ELDC Notice of uncontested election – Goulceby To note and place on notice board
f LCC Fire safety at home advice and posters To note and place on notice board
g ELDC – planning Changes to how planning communicate with Councils. Response by 30th August 2019. 
1 – Request to confirm to ELDC if PC wish to be notified about applications
2 – ELDC only wish to communicate via email.  Confirm email address To decide whether PC still wish to be informed about planning applications and confirm email address
11. Planning 
a) Applications received: None
b) Correspondence received: Full Planning permission – Holly House, Watery Lane, Goulceby – Erection of a 4 bay garage with first floor games room over 
12. Financial matters:
a) To review and approve the Financial Regulations (2019)
b) To receive an updated list of assets
c) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO
d) To consider and approve payments and income including: Precept £1665; Salaries (1.7.19); Lincolnshire Fieldpath subs £5;
13. To agree date and agenda items for the next meeting