Minutes 29th July 2019

Minutes 29th July 2019
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Present: Councillors: Oates (JO), Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
District Councillor Andrews (DA) and 7 members of the public
Public Forum: One member of public asked whether the PC had heard anything regarding the collapse of the road where the badger set is. Another resident raised concerns regarding the planning application for the two houses, and was also concerned that if planning is approved the rest of the field could be infilled with dwellings at a later date.  Another resident raised concerns regarding the recent flooding, with the dykes not being kept clear, and the rainwater not flowing away.  They also noted that the proposed site of the houses is not suitable, is surrounded by natural springs and will add to the flooding on the lane. A resident who arrived slightly later noted that he is in the process of obtaining planning permission to build a small dormer bungalow in the village; his family live in the village and he would like to live in the village but the house prices (to buy) are too expensive.  SW noted the application had not yet been received from ELDC but that it would be considered once the Parish Council had received it.
1. Chairman’s remarks - None
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None received
3. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None declared
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24th June 2019 – Approved with no changes 
5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that the request for a TRO had been reported to the County Councillor again, but no response received.  It was unanimously agreed to put this on hold until the County Councillor was available for comment.  It was noted that all other actions had either been completed or were on the agenda to review.  
6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – DA noted that ELDC had made some staffing changes and have a new Head of Planning and new Enforcement, Safeguarding, and Conservation Officers.  He noted that ELDC is looking to move from Manby Hall and are possibly relocating to Horncastle.  JO asked for clarification on how a planning application is called to a committee decision.  DA noted that this would usually be if there are a lot of local objections, or the Parish Council can request the decision is made by committee, however the ultimate decision to refer to committee is made by a 3 panel board, and there has to be planning reasons for the objection.
7. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways since the last meeting – No new issues reported by Councillors.  JO noted that she has tried to find out what action is being taken on outstanding issues.  MM noted that it is possible to track issues on LCC Fix My Street and receive updates. JO advised that she would do this for all reported faults in the village.
8. To consider planning applications/correspondence – 
a - N/008/01274/19 | Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing outbuildings to form bed and breakfast accommodation. THE BEECHES, HORNCASTLE ROAD, GOULCEBY – It was noted that the application is for changes to an existing building and that there is ample parking for the proposal.  Unanimously supported with no comment.
b - N/008/01253/19 | Planning Permission - Erection of 2no. detached houses with detached double garages and construction of a vehicular access.  LAND ADJACENT DEMETER HOUSE, FORD WAY, GOULCEBY – JO noted that she had spoken to several residents on Ford Way and all of them objected to the application. The Parish Council identified several issues, including: 
• the application form indicates that the proposal is not within 20m of a water course and that it would not impact flooding in the area – both of these statements are considered inaccurate; 
• there is a steep bank leading up to where the proposed properties would be built and they would impose, and significantly overlook the existing properties;
• there is a risk that the proposal will contribute to flooding in the area – the ditch between Demeter House and the proposed new properties can get very deep
• the proposal is up a high bank and on a narrow, single track road with no nearby passing place
• the location is designated as a farm field
• and the proposal would lend itself to a further application for ‘infill’ at a future date.
JO proposed objecting the application for the reasons discussed; SW seconded; unanimously agreed.
9. To review the effectiveness of the controls in place for the defibrillator and implement appropriate action – JO noted that she had found it difficult to open the cabinet to check the defibrillator.  It was noted that: the instructions for use are not clear enough, that it needs cleaning; and it needs a service.  It was agreed that BM would take responsibility for the ongoing weekly and monthly checks of the defibrillator and that she would clean it.  It was agreed that SW and BM would create and laminate clearer instructions for use. It was also agreed to pre-approve £100 to get the unit serviced, but that BM would contact BHF for advice in the first instance.
10. To consider clarifying and updating parish flood information – It was noted that SW now has the Parish Flood Equipment.  It was noted that resident John Benge is currently a flood warden and he confirmed that he was happy to remain as such.  A possible second flood warden had been identified – SW to have a discussion with them to confirm. A discussion regarding sandbags concluded that filled bags degrade over time but that those properties near where the floods typically occur should take precautions and it would be helpful if the ditches were cleared regularly by the ditch owners.  It was noted that LCC are in the process of conducting an investigation into the reported flooding of Briar Rose Cottage on 10th June, and that the PC had sent a comprehensive response to LCC.  MM agreed to contact LCC to ensure we are notified of the outcome of the investigation.
11. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a Onlincolnshire Details of Government funded schemes to allow communities to benefit from gigabit speed broadband To discuss and agree what, if any, action – It was noted that there is not an issue with broadband speed in the village, and so no action agreed
b RAF Benevolent Fund Details of a campaign to reach out to veterans in Lincolnshire to offer help To discuss and agree what, if any, action – it was agreed to place the poster on the notice boards, website and include in the newsletter
c LCC flood investigation Feedback requested and provided under section 19 of the Flood and Water Management act to investigate flooding to Briar Rose Cottage, Butt Lane, Goulceby Response sent to LCC – to note- noted
12. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO – noted and accepted.  See appendix 1
b) To agree to appoint Cllr Coton as a bank signatory – It was unanimously agreed to appoint AC as an additional signatory.
c) To receive and agree the updated asset list – Updated list reviewed and unanimously agreed.  MM to update it on the website.
d) To consider and approve payments due before next meeting including: ELDC £97.00 due for election costs – It was noted that ELDC had charged to 2 elections, one each for Asterby and for Goulceby.  Payment unanimously approved.
13. To receive the resignation from the current Clerk and to agree next steps to recruit a replacement – Clerks resignation was accepted, and it was agreed that her leaving date would be 30th September. AC and JO agreed to take the lead in recruiting a replacement.  It was agreed that the closing date for applications will be 30th August, with interviews 10th September.  It was agreed that the advert should be displayed on the notice boards, the website and should be sent to LALC for distribution to existing Clerks.   
14. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter
• RAFBF campaign
• Clerks vacancy – JO
• Councillors vacancy – MM
• Summary of the notes - MM
15. To agree agenda items for the next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting is 30th September, and that the agenda should include:
• Review of the risk register
• Co-option of applicants for the Councillor Vacancy
• Acceptance of the Clerk appointment
• Possibility of a village information panel
Meeting closed 21.40pm
Appendix 1 – Bank reconciliation

18th June 2019
















SO correction - payee error by bank


















Salaries 01.07.19 (SO)






Salaries 10.07.19 (Cheque)












Closing balance 21st July 2019







Payments before next meeting


ELDC election cost


