Notes AMPC 27th May 2021

Minutes 27th May 2021
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting 
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Present: Councillors: Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC); Croft (JC)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
3 members of the public
Public Forum: No comments made
1. To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that SW continue as the Chairman of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year.  Declaration of acceptance of was completed and received by the Clerk.
2. To elect a Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office– Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that AC be appointed as the Vice 
Chairman of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year.  Declaration of acceptance of was completed and received by the Clerk.
3. Chairman’s remarks – SW welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Denise and Ian for allowing the council to use the room.  She noted that Jenny Oates had resigned from the council, and thanked her for all her hard work over the last 7 years. SW noted that the APM had been held on Monday 24th May during which she had detailed the work completed in the villages which included: Completion of the footpath and bridge at the ford; depth markers positioned correctly; flooding near Shop Lane resolved; overflow ditch on Horncastle Rd cleared; badger hole on Horncastle Rd filled; additional dog waste bin.  SW noted that whilst there had not been a village litter pick, she thanked the walkers who had been regularly picking litter.
4. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None received
5. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None received.
6. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 29th March 2021 - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the official minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 29th March 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
7. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that all outstanding actions had been completed or included as agenda items.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors – County Councillor was absent and had not provided apologies.   District Councillor Andrews was present and noted: ELDC and Boston Borough Council (BBC) have now formed a strategic alliance designed to save money; the ‘back office admin’ for ELDC, BBC and South Holland District Council (SHDC) is now completed by Public Sector Partnership Services Ltd (PSPS); work started on the ELDC / Boston College hub on 25th May and completion is planned for Sept 2022; ELDC have put up bunting in all district market towns and are offering free market stalls until 11th July to help revive towns following COVID; each County Councillor has some grant funding which local groups may apply for to support projects which benefit the community.
9. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – SW had reported the second hole on Horncastle Rd.  Following repeated requests LCC have now done a great job with the ford and bridge, it now looks smart and is safe to use and was agreed that the clerk should email to thank LCC for doing a good job on it.  A letter of complaint had been received regarding the flood repair at the junction of Shoe Lane/ Main St but following a discussion it was agreed that whilst it is not aesthetically pleasing the solution does work and therefore no further action was proposed.  
10. To review the quotes for the flood warning sign for the ford and agree whether to proceed – It was noted that: the depth markers had now been correctly positioned and the need for the signs was questioned; the rationale for the signs was to alert people before getting to the ford and not being able to reverse out; 4 quotes had been obtained for the signs stating ‘Road liable to flooding’.  Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to purchase two signs including fitting from Woldsgraphix in Asterby.
11. To consider whether to hold a community litter pick, agree the date and assign responsibilities – It was noted that there was not a lot of litter in the villages due to the great job being done by the walkers.  Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to defer the agenda item until September’s meeting and reassess the situation then.
12. To consider planning applications/correspondence – 
a - Planning Application to review and comment on:
APPLICANT: Mr. & Mrs. A. Coggan 
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - N/008/00778/21 Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a kitchen and utility room on the site of an existing greenhouse which is to be removed. 
It was noted that due to the response date all Councillors without a prejudicial interest had been contacted for their views and a response of ‘no objections’ made using delegated powers.
b – Planning Application to review and comment on:
APPLICANT: Miss. E. Jones
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - N/008/00601/21 Erection of a field shelter consisting of 3 no. stables and construction of hardstanding. Existing field shelter on site to be removed. 
SW declared a personal interest as the applicant is her neighbour and AC chaired the agenda item.  Following a brief discussion it was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to respond stating that the PC have no objections to the proposal. 
c - Full planning permission granted – N/008/00327/21 – Willows Butt Lane, Goulceby, Extensions and alterations to provide machine room, store, sun lounge, porch and the erection of a detached shed and carport. Noted.
13. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a Lincs Police Help required to spread the message about ‘Slow down in Lincolnshire’ campaign To note and decide whether to share on website – Noted and agreed to put on website
b Fieldpath Association Newsletter – Spring Summer 2021 To note/read – Noted and shared
c Environment Agency Information leaflet regarding grass cutting and reducing the flood risk To note and decide whether to share on website – Noted and agreed to put on the website
d Lincs Environment awards Applications for projects which encourage and protect the landscape and wildlife To note - noted
14. To review and agree the Standing Orders and Code of Conduct, for Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve both documents with no suggested changes.
15.    Financial matters:
a) To resolve to agree that Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council meets the AGAR exemption criteria and wishes to be an exempt authority, not subject to external audit limited assurance review for the year 2020/2021 - It was noted that the council meets the exemption criteria and proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the council wishes to be classed as an exempt authority for the 2020/21 review. 
b) To consider and resolve to approve the Annual Internal Audit report - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the internal audit.
c) To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Governance Statement - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the AGS.
d) To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Accounting Statements and Annual Bank Reconciliation - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the AAS and ABR.
e) To review and approve the Financial Regulations - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the document with no suggested changes.
f) To receive an updated list of assets - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the updated list of assets.
g) To review the risk log with the inclusion of COVID 19 risk assessments - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the amended risk log.
h) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the quarterly bank reconciliation (appendix 1).
i) To consider and approve income/ payments due including: Insurance –£218.00; Newsletters - £75 for 6 editions or £15 for each edition; Salaries 1.7.21 - £312.00; Field path subs £5; Income: Precept £1735. It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the list of payments and accept the list of receipts.
16. To agree dates for the 2021/22 meetings – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to set the following dates for next year’s meetings: Thursday 2nd Sept; Monday 6th Dec; Monday 7th March; Monday 23rd May.  All meetings to be held at the Three Horseshoes and start at 7.30pm.
17. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to include the notes from the APM; the road signs, a summary of the AMPC notes, the dates for the next meetings.
18. To agree agenda items for the next meeting – Possibility of purchasing a notice board for Asterby End; Litter pick; Grant application process.
Meeting closed 9:06pm
Appendix 1: