Notes 2nd September 2021


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting 


Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)

Present: Councillors: Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC); Croft (JC)

Clerk: M Moss (MM)

No members of the public


Public Forum: No comments made



19. Chairman’s remarks – SW thanked everyone for attending and noted that over the last 3 months some normality has returned and we are learning to live with COVID, but not to get complacent and to continue to be kind and caring.


20. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None.  MM apologised as she had omitted to send the invite to District Councillor Andrews and County Councillor Marfleet.


21. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None declared.


22. To consider the applications received for the two parish councillor vacancies and appoint new councillor(s) – An application had been received from Jon Mold of Goulceby.  His experience includes finance, property, governance, legal, IT and HR and he is keen to become more involved in the village.  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to co-opt Jon Mold onto the Parish Council to fill the Goulceby vacancy.  MM noted that she would forward the Declaration of office to Jon to sign and advise the elections team at ELDC to make the appointment official.


23. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2021 - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the official minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27th May 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman 


24. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that all actions had been completed or included as agenda items for this meeting.


25. To receive reports from District and County Councillors - None


26. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – It was noted that many of the larger potholes have been filled in by LCC, however members were not convinced as to the longevity of the repairs and will monitor for any deterioration.


27. To consider whether to hold a community litter pick; if agreed, confirm date and assign responsibilities – It was noted that this action had been deferred from May agenda as litter was not considered an issue in May.  Members agreed that both villages are still relatively free of litter and individual councillors noted that if they see litter they will pick and bin it.  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that: 

1 - a litter pick is not required this year but should be reviewed again in Spring 2022; 

2 – the Clerk should attempt to secure some litter pickers and bags from East Lindsey for future use.


28. To consider whether progress the possibility of purchasing a notice board for Asterby End – It was noted that papers are often attached to the tree on Asterby End triangle, and a few residents have complained about the lack of a proper notice board. It was also noted that the PC has not budgeted for a spend on a notice board this year, but may be able to use some of the money in general reserves.  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to:

1 - support the proposal to purchase a notice board in principle; 

2 - obtain 3 quotes for wooden and recycled plastic notice boards with 8 sheet capacity and 

3 - review the level of general reserves at the next meeting and decide whether it could be funded from there or whether it would be necessary to raise additional funds to finance the project.


29. To consider whether to work with the Church to purchase a poppy wreath for remembrance day – It was noted that: no church officiant would be available on Remembrance Sunday to hold a service at the church; in previous years Sheila Wardle and Jenny Oates had personally purchased wreaths to lay at the church to commemorate remembrance day. PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to:

1- use the £25 allocated in the budget to purchase a poppy wreath from Royal British Legion with any excess being donated to them

2- let residents know that a wreath will be laid at the church on Remembrance Sunday just before 11am, that 2 minutes silence will be observed at 11am and that all residents are welcome to attend.


30. To consider whether to implement a grants/donations policy and process – It was noted that: neither village really has any ‘hobby’ clubs or groups; the suggestion for a grant policy came from a request for a donation from Air Ambulance earlier in the year; no local groups have come forward to ask for a donation; if a policy is adopted, money would need to be set aside in the annual budget. Members were reluctant to adopt a policy and allocate funds in the budget without understanding the potential need in the parish.   PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to include a section in the next newsletter asking residents for feedback regarding the use of small parish grants to local groups for the benefit of the parish.


31. To review progress made against the Parish Plan and agree any action required – It was noted that: the Chalk Stream project had not been organised, but this was mainly due to COVID restrictions; the litter pick had been discussed throughout the year, but not held as it was felt that there has not been a litter issue; the footbridge over the ford has been replaced and new signage installed; the new website has been developed and is being actively used; the PC continues to keep residents informed via the local newsletter; the adequacy of litter bins and dog waste bins continues to be monitored following the installation of the additional bin; it has not been possible to identify any suitable alternative venue for the PC meetings in either village.  It was also noted that LALC have started to return to face to face training and that SW would like to attend the Chairman’s training day.  


32. To note planning correspondence – 

a – To note: Full planning permission granted – N008/00601/21 – Sunnyside Farm, Goulceby Lane - Erection of a field shelter consisting of 3 stables and hardstanding, removal of existing field shelter – noted.

b – To note: Full planning permission granted – N/008/00778/21 – Kirkmichael, Asterby End – Extension and alterations to provide a kitchen and utility room on site of existing greenhouse which is to be removed – noted.


33. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:

Ref From Correspondence Action

a Lincs Police Newsletter – enhancing resources for the area, community engagement, quarterly meetings. To note – link on website - noted

b LCC road closure 9.8.21 – 10.8.21 To note - noted

c Transport Services Group Bus service improvement engagement survey (closed 30.8) To note – link on website - noted

d LCC Broadband connectivity update and information about Gigabit voucher scheme To note – link on website - noted

e Resident Complaint regarding the newly created access to Horncastle Rd by removal of part of an old hedge To note and agree any action – noted.  No further action.


34.    Financial matters:

a) To agree to write off the PC laptop which no longer works, and remove it from the asset list - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the laptop should be disposed of and written off of the PC asset list.

b) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and actual vs projected spend from RFO - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept both documents.  See appendix 1 and 2.

c) To consider and approve income/ payments due including: Salaries 1.10.21 - £312.00; Wolds Graphix £210 (already paid): PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept all payments.


35. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – Summary of the notes; appointment of Jon Mold as a councillor for Goulceby; Remembrance Wreath and 2 minutes silence; potential project to purchase a notice board for Asterby; information about the local list campaign; request for residents to provide views on whether the council should budget (raise precept) to provide grants to local groups.  


36. To confirm the date (Monday 6th December) and agenda items for the next meeting – It was confirmed that the meeting would be held at the Three Horseshoes, 7.30pm 6th December.  Agenda items will include: Update on the notice board; Review of public views on local grants; budget and precept setting; parish plan for 2022/23.


Meeting closed at 21:13.