Notes 7th March 2022

Notes 7th March 2022

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting


Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)

Present: Councillors: Coton (AC), Maplethorpe (BM); Croft (JC); Mold (JM)

Clerk: M Moss (MM)

3 Member of the public


Public Forum: One member of the public asked the PC to support local government lobbying to provide more funds for LCC roads; they noted that the state of the roads in the villages is poor; the signs on Horncastle Rd are a continuing hazzard; the drain is blocked again on the road outside their house; and LCC are slow to respond to issues raised.


55. Chairperson’s remarks – SW welcomed everyone to the meeting.


56.Apologies for absence and reasons given - None


57. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act - None


58. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2021 – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the official minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6th December 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman of the meeting.


59. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that all actions had been taken or included as agenda items for this meeting.


60. To receive reports from District and County Councillors – None present.


61. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – SW noted that she had reported the hole which had re-opened on Horncastle Rd and the sign at the top of Halls Hill but had not yet heard back from LCC.


62. To review the quotes obtained for the purchase and installation of the notice board for Asterby End and agree next actions – MM noted that permission had been granted from LCC to erect a notice board on the grass triangle of Asterby Lane and Asterby End.  It was agreed at the last meeting that the notice board would be 8 page, single door, aluminium, green or brown, with a header stating ‘Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council’. It was noted that the quotes from the notice board suppliers were not like for like comparisons and so difficult to effectively compare.  JC was asked to obtain like for like quotes which would still be valid at the next PC meeting on 23rd May. Each supplier should be asked to provide a quote for an 8 page notice board with posts, single door, aluminium, green or brown with a header ‘Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council’, postage included, the length of the guarantee, what the aluminium is coated with, and a picture of each would also be useful to make the decision.


63. To review the possibility of holding a Chalk stream event and if agreed, how to proceed


It was noted that the last chalk stream project at the village stream had been a success: local children had attended along with adults; the stream was raked; nets and sieves had been used to identify stream wildlife.  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to proceed with a chalk stream project; AC to contact Will Bartle (Chalk Stream Project MO) to suggest 8th, 15th or 22nd of May for the event and to get some information to enable MM to complete a poster to advertise the event.


64. To discuss the possibility of holding a Platinum Jubilee Street party ‘The Big Lunch’ on 5th June and if agreed, how to proceed – It was noted that the pub may be planning an event on the same day; there was relatively little time to plan an event led by the PC; the PC do not hold the relevant insurance for an event and have no budget allocation; three members of the PC are away. PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the PC would not organise a street party but should commemorate the platinum jubilee in some way – it was agreed that an agenda item would be added to next PC meeting to discuss and agree and appropriate way that the PC could commemorate. 


65. To review the recommendation from NALC that all Councillors and officers should use specific email accounts for council business - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that councillors would set up separate email accounts for their PC work using an appropriate free provider such as gmail, and that the format should include their initials and AGPC. MM to change standing orders at the next review to reflect the decision.

66. To review the following policies:

  1. Anti Bullying and harassment policy
  2. Discipline policy
  3. Grievance policy

PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept the 3 revised policies with minor typo corrections.


67. To note planning correspondence –

a – To note: N/008/02486/21 | Planning Permission - Erection of a store to provide animal shelter, feed and equipment store. | LAND TO THE EAST OF HORNCASTLE ROAD, GOULCEBY – Objection lodged by Parish Council – Awaiting decision.  It was noted that the application is still awaiting a decision. 


68. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:







Add the PC voice to fix our funds to fix our roads scheme

Decide whether to write to our MP to support the campaign

PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to support the campaign and write to our MP, that JM would draft a letter for circulation, approval and for MM to sent to our MP


Rev Cilla – Asterby Group

Explanation of work required to All Saints Church and notice of a meeting to discuss fundraising for repair

For information - noted



Request for a donation

To decide whether to make a small donation

PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to make a donation of £50 to LIVES under s.137 of the LGA 1972.


Green lanes environment movement

Government consultation on Glover landscapes review

Agree whether to support the campaign, and what if any action

It was noted that this is not a significant issue for the villages and therefore no further action required.


Wolds Police

Quarterly briefing

On website – Agree any further action - Noted

69. Financial matters:

  1. Agree to appoint additional councillors as bank account signatories – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to appoint both JM and BM as bank signatories.  AC to approach Lloyds in the first instance to progress this.
  2. To receive an updated bank reconciliation and actual vs projected spend from RFO -  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept both documents. Appendix 1 and 2
  3. To consider whether to continue membership of LALC and if agreed, to pay membership fee of £86.63 - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to continue membership of LALC and pay the membership fee due.
  4. To consider whether to subscribe to LALC training scheme and if agreed, to pay £102.00 scheme fee - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED not to pay to join the LALC training scheme and to continue to pay for training on a case by case basis.
  5. To consider and approve other income/ payments due including: Salaries 01.04.22 - £312.00; SW reimbursement for poppy wreath £19.25 - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to approve the salary payment, but postpone re-payment for the poppy wreath to SW until additional bank signatories are appointed, as currently the only signatories are SW and AC. It was also noted that the PC had resolved to donate £50 to LIVES in minute ref 68c.
  6. To review the possibility of changing the Internal Auditor to the LALC scheme – additional cost iro £100 - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to keep the same auditor rather than change.


70. To agree the content of the Parish Meeting 23rd May 2022 – It was noted that when the PC had organised guest speakers in the past, very few residents had attended.  PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to include an update from the chairman of the PC and an open forum for residents.  MM to complete agenda and poster – meeting to be held at 7pm, before the Annual meeting of the parish council.


71. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter

  • Chalk stream event
  • Summary of the notes
  • Notice of the APM
  • Suggestions on how to commemorate the platinum jubilee
  • LIVES donation
  • Updated email addresses for councillors


72. To confirm the date (23rd May 2022) and agenda items for the next meeting – Next meeting date confirmed as 23rd May, to start at 7:30pm following the APM.  Agenda items to include how to celebrate the platinum jubilee, the notice board project and an update on the chalk stream project.


Meeting closed 21:25