Minutes - Annual Parish Council Meeting - 28th May 2024

Minutes 28th May 2024

Chair:                                      Jon Mold (JM)

Present Councillors:               Ian Taylor (IT), Graham Johnson (GJ)

Parish Clerk & RFO:               Diane De Halle (DDH)

Members of the Public            2

District Councillor                    Daniel Simpson 




1. To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office – RESOLVED Councillor Jon Mold to be re-appointed as Chairperson of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year.  Declaration of acceptance form received for JM (retain in file by Clerk).

2. To elect a Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office – RESOLVED there would be no Vice Chair appointed for the forthcoming year.

3. Chairman’s remarks – none.

4. Apologies for absence and reasons given – none.

5. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – none declared.

6. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2024 – RESOLVED to accept the Minutes from the previous meeting as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

7. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – Noted.

8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Councillor Simpson advised it has been a good first year in the position; role mostly ‘digitalised’ now and having to rely on emails; shortage of planning officers; grants well received, particularly for Asterby Church who crowd funded £10k; £2k went towards local enterprises; flooding update provided advising that the 1 household in Goulceby has now had their Section 19 report issued and flooding generally to be investigated (particularly from village to the Bain); local plan under review (due 2025).

9. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – noted issue with LCC Fix My Street seems to have stopped receiving updates from LCC; action for Chair to pick up with District Councillor Marfleet.


10. To consider planning applications/correspondence received: 

a – Decision Notice: N/008/00075/24 (26.01.24)

PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – erection of dwelling with the construction of internal access roads


·       Refusal notice received from ELDC 20.3.24


b – Decision Notice: N/060/00161/24 (08.02.24) 

PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – extensions and alterations to existing detached double-garage.


·       Permission granted by ELDC 27.03.24


           c – Decision Notice: N/008/00227/24 (16.02.24) 

PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – rear single storey extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation


·       Permission granted by ELDC 04.04.24


11. To consider correspondence received since the last Parish Council meeting:








Email 03.03.24 received on 3 concerns along Viking Way.

All raised on “Fix my Street”


The Asterby Group

Newsletter March / April 24.

Added to Website


Lincolnshire County Council

Temporary Traffic restriction 14.3.24 – Goulceby – TTRO/TTR006851 – bridge replacement – Resulting from ‘A’

Added to Website


PKF Littlejohn

Email 18.03.24 on Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 23/24.

Ongoing via Clerk


Government office

Confirmation 05.04.24 the ‘Kings portrait’ requested for Asterby Church – Framed and free for the Parish of Asterby and Goulceby

Portrait received

The Asterby Group notified


Zurich Insurance

Email 06.04.24 – Insurance renewal received for 24/25.

See item 13 (g) on agenda


East Lindsey District Council

Remitance advice for precept received 17.04.24.

Clerk to add to files

See item 13 (h) on agenda


Lincolnshire Police

Email notifying on further meetings.

IT to attend


The Asterby Group

Newsletter May / June 24.

Added to Website


Internal Audit

Email 04.05.24 – documentation for Internal Audit.

See item 13 (b) on agenda


YMCA Lincolnshire

Email 10.05.24 – asking to provide details on local organisations / put up poster on notice board.

Forwarded to PCC.

Poster on notice board


12. To review and agree the following policies for the Parish Council:

  • Standing Orders (annual)
  • Code of Conduct (annual)
  • Financial Regulations (annual) – JM signed and dated
  • Risk Register Log / Schedule (annual)
  • Publication Scheme (overdue - last reviewed Feb. 21)
  • Councillor Responsibilities (new following discussion during recent Internal Audit)

RESOLVED to approve revised/new policies – Clerk to update files and Website with revised copies.

13. Financial matters:

  1. To resolve to agree that Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council meets the AGAR exemption criteria and wishes to be an exempt authority, not subject to external audit limited assurance review for the year 2023/2024 (deadline 1.7.24) – it was noted the Council meets the exemption criteria and RESOLVED that the Council wishes to be classed as an exempt authority for 2023/24 review and a Public Rights notice will be issued with the dates 3rd June to 12th July 2024 (inc.) – action for Clerk to submit paperwork to PKF Littlejohn and add ALL relevant audit paperwork to Website; action for Chair to add ‘Public Notice’ to NB’s.
  2. To consider and resolve to approve the Annual Internal Audit report / LALC checklist – undertaken and received from Carl Thomas (LALC Internal Auditor); noted ‘Good Governance’ and recommendations given:
    1. Add Councillor Responsibilities as new policy – usually applies to larger authorities (see item 12);
    2. Publication Scheme – to be reviewed (see item 12);
    3. Items of expenditure - missed from previous audits on the website since 2016 (added to Audit 23/24);
    4. Bank statements to be ‘cross referenced’ – normally carried out at each meeting – date of bank statement issue will be added to accounts for meeting going forwards (actioned);
    5. Clerk annual appraisal – to be conducted (actioned).

RESOLVED to accept the Internal Audit and action remaining recommendations given.

  1. To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Governance Statement – RESOLVED to accept and sign.
  2. To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Accounting Statements and Annual Bank Reconciliation – RESOLVED to accept both and sign.
  3. To receive an updated list of Assets (Appendix 1) – RESOLVED to accept.
  4. To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO for 23/24 and 24/25 (Appendix 2) – RESOLVED to accept both and sign.
  5. To review insurance for 24/25; 3 quotes received for £730, £552 and £385 – previous years were based on £10k asset ‘costs’ and not replacement value of £20k and increase in Precept has resorted in increase in premium also.  RESOLVED to accept Zurich Insurance of £385. 
  6. To consider and approve payments/income due including: Salaries £554.19 31.03.24 (SO); Annual Insurance Renewal 02.05.24 (due 01.06.24) – £385.36 Zurich; Annual Parish Newsletter fee 16.05.24 - £75 (6 editions from July/Aug); Plants & compost for Planters 05.05.24 - £41.97 (M.A. Johnson); Salaries 30.6.24 £554.19 (SO); Independent Auditor via LALC - £150 inc. VAT (pending invoice); Receipts: VAT claim receipt 19.02.24 - £143.81 (£18 for year 22/23); Precept from ELDC 19.04.24 - £3,384.  RESOLVED to accept and for Clerk to action payments (salaries on SO), pending invoice from LALC for audit.

14. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – RESOLVED to include:

  • Call connect App;
  • LCC waste crime;
  • AGAR audit 23-24 and new year
  • Parish Meeting

15. To confirm the dates and agenda items for the next meeting – next meeting Monday 2nd September 7.00pm (venue TBC) – agenda items to follow.

Meeting closed 8.00pm


Financial Matters

Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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