Meeting notes 29th March 2021

Minutes 29th March 2021 via Zoom .
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as a formal record of the meeting until duly approved and signed at the next meeting)
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Present: Councillors: Oates (JO), Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC); Croft (JC)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
No members of the public
Public Forum: No members of public present.
45. Chairman’s remarks – SW welcomed everyone to the meeting, in particular Cllr Croft as it was her first meeting. SW noted that COVID is still prevalent, but that the legislation permitting conference meetings was ending soon, so there would be a return to face to face meetings in May. She noted that there is still support available for COVID related issues – the local support group contact is Jenny Oates 01507 343440 and the Lincolnshire County support group contact number is 01522 782189.  SW thanked those residents who have been picking litter whilst out walking
46. To consider the applications received for the Goulceby Councillor vacancy and appoint new Councillor – It was noted that the applicant had withdrawn.  It was resolved to leave the adverts on the notice board and website.
47. Apologies for absence and reasons given – District Cllr Andrews had sent his apologies due to sickness. 
48. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None received.
49. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21st December 2020 – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21st December 2020 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.
50. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – It was noted that all actions had either been completed or were included as agenda items.
51. To receive reports from District and County Councillors – None present.
52. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – JO noted that the PC had raised a complaint about the ford footbridge repair.  A resident had also complained and secured a site meeting with the LCC principle engineer responsible for the ford footbridge, and the manager from the contractor – JO attended this meeting.  The LCC principle engineer was not happy with the standard of work and identified 8 issues which he ordered repair on.  This is a summary of the repair work ordered by LCC Principal Engineer to be completed in April(assuming beck not flooded):
1)      Depth Boards - Both markers to be repositioned, concreted in and setting so that Zero level is level with the concrete ford at the deepest point. 
2)      Triangle of verge between footbridge and ford - all buried rubbish to be removed, the soil graded flat and the area to be turfed.
3)     Corner of the verge - the shape of the pointed verge towards the edge of the beck to be reinstated, back filled with soil and turfed
4)      Area of east verge north of the site - excavated debris needs to be dug back out and disposed of properly and then redressing in 100mm seeded topsoil.
5)      The current broken/incomplete retaining wall on the east bank of the south approach to be extended round to the bridge.
6)      The soil bank adjacent to the footpath to the south of the footbridge to be trimmed back to the end of the handrailing/path
7)      Various small verge damage reinstatements on Hall's Hill and at junction with Shop Lane. Dress with new topsoil and seed.
8)      Build- up of slurry on the carriageway uphill of the ford - to be removed and disposed of.
It was noted that the ford would benefit from flood warning signs, but LCC were unlikely to install these.  It was agreed that the PC would obtain quotes for the signs and include a discussion regarding the signs as an agenda item for the next meeting.
SW noted that she had reported a flooding issue on Horncastle Rd and had not received any response from Fix My Street but that the dyke had been dug out to try to ease the flooding issue.
JO noted that a hole had appeared on Horncastle Lane, she had reported it via Fix My Street, and that some barriers had been placed around it by LCC traffic management on 2nd March 2021.  She noted that a repair to the hole was still outstanding.
53. To receive an update on the parish laptop and whether to repair or replace it – SW noted that she had taken the laptop to 2 computer repair companies and that both had indicated that it would not be cost effective to repair it, and repair would cost nearly as much as purchasing a new laptop.  It was noted that the laptop was originally purchased in March 2016.  It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that SW would consult with one final source to attempt to get it repaired once lockdown restrictions have been eased, and the issue would be discussed again once the third opinion has been sought.
54. To review the Parish Flood Wardens – It was noted that the contact name and contact for the second flood warden had been added to the PC website. The two flood wardens are: John Benge - 07970 437003 and Jody Flett  - 07795 301274.  It was noted that the flood wardens only had very limited supply of sandbags and proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that MM would attempt to secure some additional sandbags from ELDC.
55. To resolve to complete a parish plan for 2021/22 – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the community events section of the plan should include the litter pick, a chalk stream clean-up project and the poppy wreath for remembrance day; that MM should make the changes, circulate the final version and update it on the website
56. To review and approve the revised Freedom of Information publication scheme and information available documents – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the updated policy.
57. To review and approve the revised Risk Management register - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the updated risk management register.
58. To review and approve the Communication protocol– It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the updated communications protocol.
59. To consider planning applications/correspondence – 
a - Planning Application to review and comment on:
APPLICANT: Mr. T. Wright,
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing
dwelling to provide a machine room, store, sun lounge, porch and
the erection of a detached shed and carport.
It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to support the application with no comments. 
60. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a Lincolnshire Wolds Facilities guide To note - noted
b Environment agency Routine maintenance factsheet To note (on website) - noted
c LCC Household waste recycling centres update To note (on website) - noted
d LALC Details of 2020/21 training scheme and costs Decide whether to subscribe – It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED not to subscribe to the training scheme.
e LCC Notice asking resident to check LCC website for updates and revisions to bus timetables To note - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to circulate the email and place on the website
f LIVES Request for donation To note and agree any action
JO noted that all charities are suffering a shortage of funding at the moment, that LIVES offer a good community service for rural areas and are a worthy cause.  It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the parish council would seek to introduce a grant application scheme to enable funds to be set aside in the annual budget and all requests for funding to be assessed equally – MM to include as an agenda item at the next meeting. 
g Biscathorpe community liaison group Advising that the Biscathorpe oil drill planning application is now live on LCC website and urging PC to lobby ELDC to object To note and agree any action - noted
61. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and projected spend against budget from RFO - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to accept the bank reconciliation and the projected spend against budget as an accurate reflection of the PC finances (appendix 1 and 2)
b) To consider and approve payments due before next meeting including: Salaries £312.00; LALC subs £85.18; Printer ink £39.47 - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve all payments.
62. To confirm the date for the Annual Parish Meeting and agree agenda – It was noted that the APM must take place before 1st June, and that video conferenced meetings had not been permitted for the APM last year.  It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the meeting should be scheduled for 24th May at (7pm) when lockdown restrictions should have eased enough to allow a face to face meeting to take place; and that the agenda should consist of an update on PC activities over the last year and then an open forum for residents.  It was also resolved that SW/JO would contact the church and the pub landlord to identify whether either could be used as a meeting venue for 24th May and then agree with all councillors.
63. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter - It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the newsletter should include a summary of the notes; a more detailed update of the highways issues; and the councillor vacancy advertisement; and notice of the Annual Parish Meeting time/date.
64. To confirm the date and agenda items for the next meeting (Annual Meeting of the Parish Council) - It was noted that the legislation permitting video conferencing meetings would expire on 7th May and the government have stated that there will be no extension to this date.  It was also noted that the Clerk would need to have completed the AGAR documents prior to this meeting including securing the internal audit report, which is a very tight timeframe.  It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the Annual Meeting of the Parish council should be held in person on 24th May, immediately following the APM – venue to be confirmed.
Meeting closed 9.00pm
Appendix 1
Appendix 2