Agenda 29th March 2021

Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council. It will be held on Monday 29th March 2021 commencing at 7.30pm via zoom 
Join Zoom Meeting   
Meeting ID: 316 312 0337
Passcode: 5iEm8Q
Business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. Official meeting will start at 7.40pm or at the conclusion of the public forum whichever is sooner. All councillors should be present by 7.30pm.
Michelle Moss Clerk to the Council                                                                 Date: 23rd March 2021
PUBLIC FORUM – Public Participation (maximum 10 minutes) - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any of the items on the agenda or any item they may wish to raise, those items not on the agenda will not be debated but referred, if appropriate, to the next meeting
1. Chairman’s remarks
2. To consider the applications received for the Goulceby Councillor vacancy and appoint new Councillor
3. Apologies for absence and reasons given
4. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act
5. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21st December 2020 
6. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding
7. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
8. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action
9. To receive an update on the parish laptop and whether to repair or replace it
10. To review the Parish Flood Wardens
11. To resolve to complete a parish plan for 2021/22
12. To review and approve the revised Freedom of Information publication scheme and information available documents 
13. To review and approve the revised Risk Management register
14. To review and approve the Communication protocol
15. To consider planning applications/correspondence – 
a - Planning Application to review and comment on:
APPLICANT: Mr. T. Wright,
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing
dwelling to provide a machine room, store, sun lounge, porch and
the erection of a detached shed and carport.
16. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a Lincolnshire Wolds Facilities guide To note
b Environment agency Routine maintenance factsheet To note (on website)
c LCC Household waste recycling centres update To note (on website)
d LALC Details of 2020/21 training scheme and costs Decide whether to subscribe
e LCC Notice asking resident to check LCC website for updates and revisions to bus timetables To note
f LIVES Request for donation To note and agree any action
g Biscathorpe community liaison group Advising that the Biscathorpe oil drill planning application is now live on LCC website and urging PC to lobby ELDC to object To note and agree any action
17. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and projected spend against budget from RFO
b) To consider and approve payments due before next meeting including: Salaries £312.00; LALC subs £85.18; Printer ink £39.47;  .
18. To confirm the date for the Annual Parish Meeting and agree agenda
19. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter
20. To confirm the date and agenda items for the next meeting (Annual Meeting of the Parish Council)