Minutes 21st December 2020

Minutes 21st December 2020 via Zoom 
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Present: Councillors: Oates (JO), Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
District Councillor David Andrews
No members of the public
Public Forum: None present.
29. Chairman’s remarks – SW welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that we are still in the midst of the COVID pandemic and that zoom meetings are the norm at the moment.  SW encouraged members of the public to submit questions or issues they would like raised at the meetings to the Clerk prior to the meeting.  She noted that there is support available for COVID related issues – the local support group contact is Jenny Oates 01507 343440 and the Lincolnshire County support group contact number is 01522 782189.
30. Apologies for absence and reasons given - None
31. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None received
32. To consider the applications received for the two parish councillor vacancies and appoint new councillors – It was noted that unfortunately one of the applicants had withdrawn.  The application for councillor from Janet Croft was reviewed, key points included that she has lived in Asterby since 2004 and has previously served on the Parish Council.  It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to appoint Janet Croft to the councillor vacancy for Asterby.  It was noted that there is still a vacancy for a councillor for Goulceby.
33. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 28th Sept 2020- Proposed; Seconded; RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28th September 2020 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.
34. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – All outstanding items have been included as agenda items.
To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) – County Councillor Marfleet was not present for the meeting. District Councillor Andrews noted that ELDC meetings continue to be held via video conference.  Key points from the last District Council meeting included: the decision to continue with the council tax support scheme which helps people who have difficulty paying the council tax; the decision to reinstate public speaking at planning meetings; notification that a grant of £440,000 had been secured from the government to build 6 flats to be used as permanent homes for homeless in Skegness.  It was also noted that ELDC’s move to Horncastle is still planned and scheduled for September 2021.
35. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action including:
- Highways legal team comment regarding service strips and verges – Highways have advised the Parish Council that: ‘The Service Strips/Verges are part of the public highway and it is not permitted to place or erect obstructions, such as posts, rocks, trees or shrubs on the verges. If there is an accident or incident caused by the obstruction then the resident could be held liable for any damages or compensation.  It is the duty of the Highways Authority to prevent unlawful encroachment on the verges and the Highway Authority can formally request that items are removed’. It was noted that this is for information and clarification only and has been provided in response to residents' queries.
- It was noted that the footbridge over the ford has been completed, but that the depth markers have not been repaired and appropriately sited to show actual water depth despite previous agreement that this work would be carried out at the same time as the bridge repair work.  It was noted that the Clerk has followed this up with the relevant officer and is currently awaiting a response.  It was agreed that the Environment Agency should be contacted in relation to the depth marker and asked to resolve the issue.
- The Parish Council would also like to draw residents attention to the flooding information on the new website Parish Flood Information – Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council (lincolnshire.gov.uk)
David Andrews left the meeting 7.50pm
36. To consider planning applications / correspondence – 
a. To consider planning application N/060/01654/20 LAND OFF WATERY LANE, GOULCEBY
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Erection of 2 houses with detached triple garage with games room/gym – To note – objection submitted using delegated powers - noted
b. To consider planning N/060/01655/20 LAND OFF WATERY LANE, GOULCEBY
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of 2 houses with detached triple garage – To note – objection submitted using delegated powers - noted
c. Full Planning Permission – LAND OFF WATERY LANE, GOULCEBY. Erection of two houses with triple detached garages N/060/01654/20 -  To note - noted
37. To agree changes made to the risk assessment and approve for publication – Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the revised risk assessment and publish it on the new website.
38. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
a. LCC – Temporary road restriction – Watery Lanes for 3 days between 11.1.21 and 1.2.21 - noted
b. LCC – Website switchover is complete - noted
c. Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association – Autumn/Winter newsletter - noted
d. Clerks and Councils Direct – November issue - noted
e. ELDC – Letter advising precept submissions are due - noted
39. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the next agenda item – Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
40. To discuss and approve staff salaries for the forthcoming year – Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED that the Clerks amended pay scale will take effect from 1st April 2021.
41. To resolve to move back into open session for the remainder of the meeting Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to move into open session for the remainder of the meeting.
42. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and projections from RFO – It was noted that there is currently a £9.94 underspend to projected budget,  and this may increase slightly due to an underspend on newsletters for 20/21. Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation (APPENDIX 1) and accept the projected spend.
b) To review the budget and set the precept for 2021/22 – All councillors expressed a desire to ensure the precept increase for residents is minimised. It was noted that the tax base has increased from 120 in 20/21 to 124 in 21/22, and that projected expenditure is £1780, with income of £45 excluding the precept.  It was noted that the closing balance for the year 20/21 is likely to be in the region of £3,300, very close to the higher end of the recommended reserve level. It was proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to set the precept at £1735, resulting in a 0% change for a band D property. Appendix 2 Budget for 2021/22.
Proposed; seconded and RESOLVED to earmark £500 from general reserves for small parish projects such as replacement of the notice board (for example).
c) To consider and approve payments due before next meeting including: Salaries £297.70 (SO). Proposed; seconded; RESOLVED to approve all payments.
43. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter (if being published) – It was agreed to include the following items in the newsletter:
• LCC comment regarding service strips/verges
• Precept update
• Appointment of Jan Croft to the position of Councillor (if she accepts), and the Goulceby vacancy
• Notification about the footbridge repair
• Details of the new website
44. To agree agenda items for the next meeting – It was agreed to include the following agenda items at the next meeting:
• An update on the parish laptop and whether to repair or replace it
• A discussion regarding potential parish projects
• Review of the flood wardens 
The date for the next meeting is 29th March 2021, 7.30pm.
Meeting closed 21:05
Appendix 1


Appendix 2 Budget for 2021/22