Minutes 28th September 2020

Minutes 28th Sept 2020 via Zoom
Chair: Cllr Wardle (SW)
Present: Councillors: Oates (JO), Maplethorpe (BM); Coton (AC)
Clerk: M Moss (MM)
No members of the public
Public Forum: None present.
13. Chairman’s remarks – SW welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that this is the second time it has been necessary to meet via zoom.  She expressed frustration that it is not currently an option for the PC to meet members of the public face to face and noted that meeting virtually is not an option for everyone.  SW encouraged members of the public to submit questions or issues they would like raised at the meetings to the Clerk prior to the meeting.  She noted the numbers of cases of COVID are increasing once again and reminded everyone that there is support available – the local support group contact is Jenny Oates 01507 343440 and the Lincolnshire County support group contact number is 01522 782189.    
14. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None received
15. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None declared
16. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2020 – Unanimously approved with no changes.
17. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding – None.  All items either actioned or included as agenda items.
18. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – None received.  It was noted that whilst District and County Councillors are invited to the meetings, the police are no longer invited and should be removed from the standing agenda item. JO noted that Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District Council have formed a strategic alliance, they claim it will save £15.4 million over the next 10 years. Both councils will retain their individual identities but the wider implications are unclear at this stage.
19. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – JO noted that the footbridge over the ford has been scheduled for repair in December with road closures in place during the repair.  The PC requested that the depth markers be replaced, and LCC has agreed to complete this at the same time.  It was noted that the issue with standing water on Main Road, just past Shoe Lane has not been resolved and the flood has returned.  SW agreed to report the issue via Fix My Street, Lincolnshire and MM agreed to contact LCC highways about the issue directly to try to get it resolved.  It was noted that the badger hole on Horncastle Rd has now been repaired.  JO noted that the planned village inspection with 2 highways officers and members of the PC had been postponed due to COVID, but that she would ensure it is rescheduled as soon as it is safe to do so.
20. To review the Risk Register and agree any changes – Two changes were suggested to the risk register.  To improve communication with the residents, action should include to market the new website once it is completed and available.  A section should be included to reflect the changes required due to COVID.  It was agreed that MM would complete the changes and circulate the revised risk register for approval.
21. To agree action required to fill the Councillor vacancies – It was noted that several residents had expressed interest in the current vacancies.  It was resolved to advertise for vacancies on the website and notice board and include an agenda item in the December meeting to review the applicants with a view to appointing the new Councillors during the meeting.
22. To receive an update on the new Parish Council website and agree any next steps – MM noted that the new website is being progressed and the core structure is in place.  MM advised that there are some formatting issues with transferring word documents onto the platform which she is trying to get resolved via LCC.  MM noted that until the formatting issues are resolved she would not upload previous years agendas and minutes.  It was resolved that until the formatting issues are resolved a note should be included on the site explaining the issue and that we are in to process of getting it resolved. It was agreed that any unnecessary links should be removed and the new website should be placed live as soon as possible.  It was resolved that Councillors would review the website, identify what additional content is required and produce content for review as required.
23. To consider planning applications/correspondence – 
a) To note - Full planning permission granted – Extensions and alterations to provide additional living accommodation, raising the roof and erecting a storage building – Goulceby Villa, Watery Lane - Noted
b) To note – Full planning permission granted – Erection of a replacement house and alterations to outbuilding – Goulceby Lodge, Top Lane - Noted
24. To consider the government’s recent white papers: Planning for the Future; Changes to the Current Planning System; and Transparency and Competition, and agree next steps - It was noted that white papers are usually produced as the second stage when the Government wants to implement change and therefore a good indication that the Government is going to legislate.  It was noted that: the key object of the reform is to modernise, speed up the process, make it more data driven and less subjective with modular software, a smaller set of digitised plans and less information required to validate applications. Local plans will categorise land as Growth, Renewal or Protected. Growth areas will be suitable for development and automatically given planning permission;  Renewal areas will be suitable for some development and ‘gentle densification’ with a presumption in favour of development; Protected areas will be AONB’s, Green belt land etc and will have development restricted.  Planning for beautiful and sustainable places will focus on standardising designs and more emphasis on local preferences and character; new design body for place-making in each local authority will be appointed; a proposal to fast-track planning for beauty; and a renewed commitment to net-zero by 2050.  There will be more emphasis on local plans in the future. Penalties would be introduced where LPA’s fail to meet timescales and where appeals are overturned. S106 agreements and CIL will be replaced by and Infrastructure Levy, a flat rate which will also capture land value uplift.
It was agreed that the PC would not send a collaborative response to the consultation but that each Councillor should read the material and make individual representations as they felt necessary
25. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting:
Ref From Correspondence Action
a LALC Annual Report To note - noted
b LCC Notice of reconstruction of existing footbridge and closures, w/c 30th Nov To note - noted
c Resident Request for additional dog waste bin on Asterby Lane to be purchased by parish council and erected by resident                                            To note and agree any action – the PC extended thanks and appreciation to the resident for organising the bin
d Resident Email regarding damage to the grass verge outside their property and asking PC to contact LCC on their behalf To note and agree any action
It was noted that SW had spoken to Highways following receipt of the email from the resident and been advised that a 1 meter strip of land at the edge of all verges is LCC property and that no structures or obstructions are permitted to be erected on the 1m strip.  LCC advised that if residents have placed any obstructions on the 1m strip, the resident would be liable for any accidents or incidents relating to this. It was noted that SW had responded directly to the resident explaining this. It was resolved that the PC should raise awareness of this issue, and agreed that SW would forward MM the appropriate LCC link and wording to include on the website.  
26. Financial matters:
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation and spend vs budget from RFO – Bank reconciliation was received and unanimously agreed (appendix 1).  MM noted that the ‘Spend vs Budget’ report identified a current overspend of £16.36, which was unanimously agreed as acceptable. 
b) To consider and approve payments due before next meeting including: Salaries £297.70; Dog waste bin £140.96 – All payments unanimously approved.
27. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter – It was noted that the newsletter is not being completed at the current time due to COVID.
28. To agree agenda items for the next meeting – 
• Update on the website
• Councillor appointments
• Budget discussion including Clerks pay
Next meeting date 21st December, 7.30pm start (via zoom)

Appendix 1

Appendix 2