Agenda - 11th December 2023


Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the Monthly Meeting of Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council. It will be held on Monday 11th December 2023 commencing at 7.30pm, Three Horseshoes, Goulceby.


Business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. Official meeting will start at 7.40pm or at the conclusion of the public forum whichever is sooner. All councillors should be present by 7.30pm.

Diane De Halle   Clerk to the Council                                                                 Date: 4th December 2023


PUBLIC FORUM – Public Participation (maximum 10 minutes) - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any of the items on the agenda or any item they may wish to raise, those items not on the agenda will not be debated but referred, if appropriate, to the next meeting



38. Chairperson’s remarks

39. Apologies for absence and reasons given

40. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act 

41. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2023

42. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding

43. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

44. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action

45. Budget setting for Precept 2024-25

46. To review progress made against the Parish Plan and agree any action required

47. To resolve to complete a Parish Plan for 2024/25 and agree the content

48. Review of Grant Applications via East Lindsey District Council (ELDC)

49. Update on defibrillator

50. Update on Horncastle Road (Badgers)

51. Flooding of Goulceby Beck 20th October 2023

52. Resident complaint on gully cleaning by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC)

53. To review and agree the following policies for the Parish Council:

  • Internal Control Policy

54.  To consider planning applications/correspondence using delegated powers – 

a – Full planning permission granted: N/060/02036/23 (23.10.23)

PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – erection of a two-storey dwelling, existing stable block on site to be demolished.


·       Delegated powers used to email ‘no objections’ from Parish Councillors 06.11.23

55. To consider correspondence received since the last Parish Council meeting:







Email 2.10.23 - Christmas Support & Community Funds.

Note any action


Lincs. Police

Invite to Parish Council Engagement Session – 5 December – Zoom.

IT to attend & feedback


Zero Hour

Email 4.10.23 to Parish Council for support on Climate and Ecology Bill being read on 24.11.23.

Discuss at meeting


Lincs Police

Email 8.10.23 - Quarterly update Aug 23 - added to website.

Noted – added to website


Victoria Atkins

Email 6.10.23 - Community Summit for Louth and Horncastle for 3.11.23.

Noted – no further action


South & East Lincs. Councils

Email 13.10.23 requesting survey by Parish Councils on draft Sub-regional Strategy consultation.

Note / completed individually as necessary


Lincolnshire Fieldpaths

Email 25.10.23 advising no longer collecting subs for Lincolnshire footpaths.

Note / remove from Parish Plan and Precept Budget


Asterby Group

Newsletter for November / December received.

Added to Website


ELDC – Local Plan

Email 26.10.23 requesting confirmation on services / facilities in Goulceby.  Asterby to follow separately.

Actioned 30.10.23 


LCC – Traffic

Email notice TTRO/TTR005995 – temporary restriction order received 26.10.23 – Asterby footbridge damaged due to flooding – duration of order: 26.10.23 to 15.11.23.

Added to Website


Resident complaint

Email received via JM 26.10.23 – complaint regarding feedback from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) on gully cleaning Top Lane, Watery Lane, Main Road, Horncastle Road since August 2023.

See item 52


LCC – Traffic

Email notice TTRO/TTR005997 – temporary restriction order received 27.10.23 – Asterby footbridge damaged due to flooding – revised dates: 16.11.23 to 15.05.24.

Added to Website


ELDC – Local Plan

Email 30.10.23 requesting confirmation on services / facilities in Asterby.  Goulceby already reviewed separately.

Actioned 30.10.23


LCC – Emergency Plan

Email 31.10.23 detailing information / links on Emergency Planning – session on evening of 22.11.23 to provide help with completion.

See item 51


LCC Customer Relations

Email 4.11.23 detailing cleansing of roads / drainage received.

See item 52


ELDC – finance

Email 9.11.23 & 22.11.23 – remittance advice received for £440 – grant towards new notice board.

See items 48 and 56


LCC – Traffic

Email 10.11.23 - notice TTRO/TTR005770 – temporary restriction order – Quickline Communications installing poles – duration of order 4.12.23 to 15.12.23 08:00 to 17:00.

Added to Website


Resident complaint

Email 23.11.23 – drain blocked on Watery Lane – advised to notify LCC ‘Fix My Street’ to initiate response.

See item 52

Note – no further action


Victoria Atkins office (MP)

Email 1.12.23 – information on funding to support recent Storm Babet flooding for residents and businesses in the area.

See item 51

56. Financial matters:

a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO (see Appendix 1) 

b) To receive an updated budget vs forecast for 23-24 (see Appendix 2)

c) To review the budget and set the precept for 2024/25;

d) Review 3 quotes received for notice board (Goulceby bus stop);

e) To consider and approve income/payments due including: Defib. Pads and Batteries £189.60 - 30.10.23 (payment to IT – inc. VAT £31.60); Poppy cancelled with full refund – no Church service; ELDC income of £440 towards notice board 22.11.23; Defib sign for bus shelter £11.33 - 11.12.13; Outstanding claim of VAT (inc. £18 financial year 22-23)

57. To agree items to be included in the next Parish of the Asterby Group Newsletter (deadline for next edition 10.12.23 – extended to 13.12.23)

58. To confirm the date and agenda items for the next meeting (March 2024)

  • Volunteer Policy & Risk Assessment (new)                             
  • Social Media Policy
  • Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme
  • Communications Protocol
  • Accessibility / Cookies / Privacy Statements (website)
  • Review Asset Register items (inc. or exc VAT)
  • Parish Flood Information (website)

59. To resolve to go into closed session for the next item 

60. To review the position of the new Clerk and agree any associated action

61. To resolve to return to open session and close meeting

Appendix 1

Appendix 2