Minutes - 18th May 2023
Chair: Jon Mold (JM)
Present Councillors: Ian Taylor (IT), Graham Johnson (GJ)
Parish Clerk & RFO: Diane De Halle (DDH)
Members of the Public 2
District Councillor Daniel Simpson (during item 13)
1. To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED Councillor Jon Mold to be appointed as Chairperson of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year. Declaration of acceptance forms received for JM / IT / GJ (retain in file by DDH) / Return of Election Expenses received for JM / IT / GJ (send to ELDC by DDH) / Disclosable Pecuniary Interests received for JM / IT / GJ (send to ELDC by DDH) - all completed and received by the Parish Clerk. Action to update website with new Parish Councillors by DDH.
2. To elect a Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED there would be no Vice Chair appointed for the forthcoming year.
3. Chairman’s remarks – none.
4. Apologies for absence and reasons given – none.
5. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – none declared.
6. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2023 – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the official Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
7. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:
a) Update on Goulceby planters – compost and plants now added to planters by JM, noted holds enough water for 1 week, all agreed to stand in and water if JM unavailable.
b) Cost of repairing Asterby Notice Board – JM advised cost of replacement door is £185. PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED for an action by GJ to look at changing perspex.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors – none received.
9. To receive an overview of the issues reported to highways by Councillors since the last meeting and agree any action – none.
10. To consider planning applications/correspondence – noted as follows:
a – Full planning permission granted: N/060/01865/22 (3.10.22)
APPLICANT: Mr. G. Everitt
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – change of use and conversion of an ancillary building which is in the course of construction into a self-contained annexe
- Approval notice received from ELDC 12.4.23
11. To consider correspondence received since the last Parish Council meeting:
Ref |
From |
Correspondence |
Action |
A |
East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) |
Statement of Persons Nominated for Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council - Received 5.4.23 |
Placed on Notice Board by JM – noted |
B |
Remittance advice for Precept – Value of £1,980 Received 4.4.23 |
Paid in 6.4.23 – noted |
C |
Zurich Insurance |
Renewal advice Value £196 – renewal 1.6.23 – Received 12.4.23 |
Parish Clerk to renew |
D |
Hedgehogs R Us |
Hedgehog Highway Project – Funding request Received 6.4.23 |
Noted as small parish No funding available |
E |
The Pensions Regulator |
Letter via Mrs. Sheila Wardle Re-enrolment and re-declaration for employees Dated Feb 23 |
JM completed paperwork 28.4.23 No action for 3 years |
F |
Statement of Persons Uncontested for Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council – Received 26.4.23 |
Placed on Notice Board by JM – noted |
G |
Screwfix Foundation (UK) |
Email received 12.5.23 (after agenda issue) for applications by not for profit organisations for projects on properties / community facilities |
Action by Parish Clerk to forward to Church |
H |
Neighbourhood Policing |
Quarterly update from Ian Cotton received 17.5.23 (after agenda issue) |
Action by Parish Clerk - add to Website News |
12. To review and agree the following policies for the Parish Council:
- Standing Orders
- Code of Conduct
PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED both policies reviewed and accepted as latest documents. Action for Parish Clerk to update Website with latest copies.
13. Financial matters:
a) To resolve to agree that Asterby and Goulceby Parish Council meets the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) exemption criteria and wishes to be an exempt authority, not subject to external audit limited assurance review for the year 2022/23 – it was noted the Council meets the exemption criteria and PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED that the Council wishes to be classed as an exempt authority for the 2022/23 review and a Public Rights notice will be issued with the dates 5th June to 14th July 2023.
b) To consider and resolve to approve the Annual Internal Audit report / Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) checklist – undertaken and received from Andrew Everard (LALC Internal Auditor) 15.5.23. PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept the Internal Audit and recommendations given:
- Ensure VAT invoices are obtained and on record.
- Risk Management – ensure risk register is maintained / add condition to asset list and record annually / set up Volunteer Policy and Risk Assessment if undertaking volunteer work in the Parish Council (to meet Insurance requirements) / ensure sufficient reserves are maintained to cover unforeseen events.
- Assets should be added net of VAT shortly after purchase and disposals are removed from the asset register. Any assets donated to the Parish Council should be recorded with a notional £1 value.
All recommendations ongoing with 1 action for Parish Clerk to follow up recommendation for a Volunteer Policy.
c) To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Governance Statement – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept.
d) To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Accounting Statements and Annual Bank Reconciliation – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept both.
e) Financial Regulations Policy – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept the reviewed policy as the latest document. Action for Parish Clerk to update Website with latest copy.
f) Updated list of Assets (Appendix 1) – It was noted by the Internal Audit that items purchased in future should be net of VAT. PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept current list with an Action for Parish Clerk to review the remainder of items with the financial records and verify if net or gross of VAT.
g) Risk Register Log/Schedule Policy - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept the reviewed policy as the latest document. Action for Parish Clerk to update Website with latest copy.
h) Updated bank reconciliation from RFO (Appendix 2) - PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to accept.
i) Agree Bank signatories: remove Sheila Wardle / Blue Mablethorpe – Add Ian Taylor / Graham Johnson, confirmed added: Diane De Halle – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED paperwork completed by all, action for Parish Clerk to take to Lloyds Bank and GJ to provide ID.
j) Remove the quarterly standing order relating to the Parish Clerk and agree standing order for the new Parish Clerk payment from end of June 2023 – Actioned by JM / paperwork completed for new standing order; PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED with an action for Parish Clerk to take to Lloyds Bank.
k) To note the renewal cost for Parish Council insurance; no additional quotes obtained; Zurich Insurance comparable with 22/23 with a renewal fee of £196.00 – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to renew with current provider.
l) To consider the cost of replacing the door on the Asterby notice board – see note 7 (b).
m) To consider and approve income/payments due including: Precept: £1980 receipt 6.4.23 – ELDC; Annual Insurance Renewal 6.4.23 – £196 Zurich; Annual Parish Newsletter fee 28.4.23 - £75 (6 editions from July/Aug); Stationery 5.5.23 - £36.70 (VAT £6.12); Plants & compost for Planters 5.5.23 - £44; Salaries 30.6.23 £337.25; note outstanding claim of VAT £18 to action (financial year 22-23); Audit cost by LALC independent auditor initially advised cost of £50 – invoice received for £81.60 (VAT £13.60). PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED for Parish Clerk to initiate all payments.
14. To agree items to be included in the next newsletter and who will undertake going forwards (next deadline 15.06.23) – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED to continue with newsletter and action for JM to complete next edition.
15. Defibrillator check and who will undertake going forwards – PROPOSED; SECONDED; RESOLVED for IT to check defibrillator and ensure to current requirements.
16. To confirm the dates for the 2023/24 meetings and agenda items for the next meeting.
Next meeting date agreed: Monday 21st August 2023
Agenda items:
a) Policies for review: Data Protection / Data Breach Policy
b) Poppy wreath for Church
c) Website update
Meeting Closed 20.35
Financial Matters

Appendix 2 - Bank Reconciliation 23-24
Appendix 2 - Bank reconciliation 22-23