ELDC launches WhatsApp Channel
East Lindsey District Council launches WhatsApp Channel
East Lindsey District Council is excited to announce the launch of its first WhatsApp Channel, providing residents and visitors with another convenient way to stay informed about local happenings.
Residents can now sign up to receive updates about the latest news, exciting events, activities, and services in their communities directly on their smartphones. Follow East Lindsey District Council on WhatsApp today!
WhatsApp channels offer users a secure and private way to follow what matters to them, subscribing for free to news from their favourite organisations and celebrities. Channel admins and fellow followers don’t have access to personal information such as names, profile photos, or numbers. Followers can set notifications to read messages in real-time and, if they choose, respond with a simple emoji or vote in a poll. Without public or private replies to posts, Channels steps away from the sometimes-hostile atmosphere that has turned some users away from other social networks.
Channel followers can also easily share WhatsApp channel posts with individual contacts and WhatsApp groups, helping to keep their friends, families, and local communities informed.
Councillor Craig Leyland, Leader of East Lindsey District Council, said, ““I am delighted to announce the launch of our WhatsApp Channel, which is a significant step forward in improving our communication with residents, businesses, and visitors. This platform will enable us to share timely and relevant updates directly with the community, ensuring everyone stays connected and well-informed.”
The new WhatsApp Channel does not change how you can get in touch or share your views with the Council. East Lindsey District Council will continue to run its other social media channels, public engagement sessions, customer contact service and website to support residents.
The launch is part of East Lindsey District Council’s ongoing efforts to improve the delivery of services to residents and visitors and create more meaningful, and efficient engagement with communities. Alongside the new WhatsApp Channel, you can follow East Lindsey District Council on Facebook, YouTube and website.